Commands list:
๐ŸŽฉ Administrator Commands

Command Description
!clear [optional: number of messages to be deleted] PURGE / CLEAR the chat (last 100 messages maximum or the amount of messages specified) (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR)
!loop START / STOP displaying random facts to everyone on the server every 45 minutes (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR)
!givecookies @user [amount] Give cookies to a user (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR)
!removecookies @user [amount] Remove cookies from a user (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR)
!givexp @user [amount] Give XP to a user (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR)
!removexp @user [amount] Remove XP from a user (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR)
!setprefix [your prefix] Changes the bot command prefix for your server to the one specified. (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR or MANAGE_GUILD)
!kick @user [reason] Kick a user out from the server (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR or KICK_MEMBERS)
!ban @user [reason] Ban a user out from the server (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR or BAN_MEMBERS)
!unban [user ID or name] Removes the ban from specified ID or name (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR or BAN_MEMBERS)
!gtfo Stops the bot for playing any sound and kicks him out from the voice channel. (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR or MOVE_MEMBERS)
!unmute @user Unmutes the mentioned user if was previously muted. (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR or MANAGE_MESSAGES)
!addemote [emote URL] [emote name] Adds the specified emote to the guild emotes list. (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR or MANAGE_EMOJIS)
!setafk @user Moves the mentioned user to an existing AFK channel! (Flag needed for this command: ADMINISTRATOR or MOVE_MEMBERS)

โ‚ฟ Cryptocurrency

Command Description
!btcprice Retrieves Bitcoin prices from BINANCE, BitcoinCharts and BlockChain
!ethprice Retrieves Ethereum prices from Crypto Compare, ๐ŸŒถ๏ธCoin Paprika and Coin Gecko
!ltcprice Retrieves Litecoin prices from Crypto Compare, ๐ŸŒถ๏ธCoin Paprika and Coin Gecko

โš™๏ธ Utility Commands

Command Description
!help I will send you a Direct Message with information about all the commands available
!hello Say hello to me
!ping It will chek your Discord ping and Discord API ping
!uptime It will check for how long I'm alive
!invite Will generate an invitation code so you can invite me to your Discord server
!avatar @user Will display the mentioned user avatar
!stats Get some nerdy bot stats
!csgofloat [inspect link] Get the skin hidden wear Float value number and other details
!bingspotlight See the Today's Bing Spotlight image and provides you with a Full HD image download link
!userinfo @user Displays some nerdy information about a mentioned user
!qr [your text] Generates a super awesome QR image for you to scan!
!suggest Retrieves a random command from here, for you, to try out if you're out of ideas
!tts [your text] Literally a Text To Speech command
!!calc [math formulae] Calculates your request. EXAMPLE: !calc 4 + 4 / 3 * pi - 0.33
!donate Nobody will type this anyway.
!suggest Retrieves a random command from here, for you, to try out if you're out of ideas
!lmgtfy [your text] Literally I will generate a link for your lazy ass?!
!serverinfo Get some nerdy information about the server
!nameavatar [your text] Convert your specified name into an unique awesome avatar
!setbanner [banner number] Set your !mystats profile banner to whatever you want! Click HERE to see all the banners.
!hexcolor [hexvalue] Retrieves information about the specified hex color.
!livetwitch [Twitch.TV username] Checks if the user specified is LIVE on Twitch.TV and returns information about it.
!livemixer [ username] Checks if the user specified is LIVE on and returns information about it.
!game [game name] Summons a game genie that retrieves super duper cool info about that game.
!filelist [text] Searches a torrent name on tracker website and if exists, returns the last uploaded file details.
!steamrep [Steam id/username/profile URL] Checks if the user is a Scammer or if is Clean on SteamRep official website.
!instagram [Instagram username] Get as much information as possible about the mentioned Instagram username.

Command Description
!mystats Check your cookies balance and level in a fancy way! SEE EXAMPLE
!cookieinfo Check all the game rules, win condition, prices and general information about cookies.
!opengift In case you receive a gift from the mighty monster himself, use this command to open your gift.

๐Ÿ”Š Sound Commands

Command Description
!sound [sound name] Play the specified sound in exchange of 300 cookies.
!sound list List all the available sounds

๐ŸŽจ Colors Commands

Command Description
!color [color name] Buy that specific color in exchange of 150 cookies and applies it to your username.
!color list List all available colors that can be purchased

๐ŸŽฎ Game Commands (You can win Cookies ๐Ÿช)

Command Description
!roll Roll the dice
!flip Flip the coin
!rock Play Rock, Paper, Scissors
!battle @user Fight the mentioned user on Death Battle
!slots Play Rolling Slots in exchange of 10 cookies for each play.
!rr Play Russian Roulette. If you lose, you actually get KICKED out from the server! Spicy!
!shellgame Play a round of Shell Game. If you win you will get awarded with a random prize
!fishy Go fishing! Win cookies for catching fish! Each cast costs 20 cookies.
!fidgetspin Check how long you can spin a fidget spinner ฿ท! If you spin long enough, you might win something.

๐Ÿ‘ฝ Apex Legends Commands

Command Description
!apexlegends [Apex Legends player name] [platform] Returns a list of player statistics for Apex Legends on the specified player name. Available platforms are PC, PS4 and XBOX

๐ŸŒ‹ Dota 2 Commands

(These will only work if the user specified has the option: Expose Public Match Data ticked!)

Command Description
!lastgame [Steam id/username/profile URL] Returns the last Dota2 match statistics for the specified Steam User
!winrate [Steam id/username/profile URL] Returns the Dota2 overall winrate statistics for the specified Steam User

๐Ÿ‘พ Destiny 2 Commands

Command Description
!destiny2 [Destiny 2 player name] Returns a list of player statistics for Destiny 2 on the specified Destiny 2 player name

๐Ÿ“ท Image Manipulation Meme Commands

Command Description
!eww @user Creates an Ew I stepped in meme
!hug @user Hugs the lonely user
!belike [m = male / f = female] Get a random Be like Bill meme
!rip @user Creates a tombstone with that user
!trap @user Activate a trap card using the mentioned user
!achievement [text] Creates an achievement with your text in the style of Minecraft's "Achievement Get!"
!pixel @user Pixelate the user's avatar
!truth [your text] Anime manga truth
!byemom @user [text] Creates an OK Bye Mom meme
!dogpoo @user This command is literally poo. ๐Ÿ’ฉ
!changemymind [text] Creates a Change My Mind meme
!hitler @user Creates a Worse than Hitler meme from Family Guy
!beautiful @user Because someone is beautiful :)
!kitty Display a lazy kitten. TIP: You can type !kittttttty or how many T's you want to use, to make the kitten longer!
!deepfry @user Dank. Very Dank Indeed XD
!wanted @user Creates a Wild West Wanted poster of the mentioned user
!fool @user Sad stuff.
!dice Roll some dice, but in a fancy way
!garfield Generates a random live Garfield comic
!armor [your mean text] Creates a Nothing gets through this armor meme with your mean text.
!bigbrain @user 500 IQ BIG BRAIN BRUH.
!draw @user Draws the mentioned user in black and white.
!jail @user Sends the mentioned user to jail.
!loser @user Creates a funny god meme about the mentioned loser.
!pride @user Add a pride flag on mentioned user avatar.
!jpeg @user Mentioned user needs more JPEG.
!wdt @user WHO DID THIS ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.
!disabled @user Created a Disabled Meme with the mentioned user.
!trash @user Send the mentioned user straight to trash and delete his face!
!triggered @user Create a fancy TRIGGERED gif file with the mentioned user.
!wasted @user Create a GTA Wasted meme with the mentioned user.
!glitch @user Glitch a user's avatar XD
!scary @user Creates a Scary Kid with Tablet meme.
!iphone @user Creates a nice iPhone case with mentioned user avatar.
!baguette @user Makes a mentioned user eat a baguette ๐Ÿฅ– !
!phub @user [text] Make a comment with a mentioned user, on P***Hub.
!trashanime @user Some weird anime thing for the mentioned user.
!fire @user Burn this user down, spongebob style :)
!ps4 @user Creates a PS4 cover with the mentioned user's avatar.
!subzero @user Freezes mentioned user avatar
!respect @user Created a GTA Mission Passed meme with the mentioned user
!tattoo @user Creates the ultimate tattoo with the mentioned user.

๐Ÿฆ Animals Commands

Command Description
!cat Random cat image
!dog Random dog image
!birb Random birb image
!lizzy Random lizzy boi image
!ducky Random duck image
!fox Random fox image
!doge Random doge XD
!koala Random koala image
!dogfact Get random facts about dogs
!catfact Get random facts about cats
!pandafact Get random facts about pandas
!koalafact Get random facts about koalas

๐Ÿ’โ€โ™€๏ธ Fun and Memes Commands

Command Description
!horoscope [sign] To check for daily horoscope
!horoscope list It will list all available horoscope signs to type
!binary [your text] Convert any text to binary
!numfact [number] Get a random fact about the number
!smack @user Smack a user really good!
!joke Display a random Chuck Norris joke
!yomama Display a random Yo Momma joke
!pokefusion Get a random fused Pokemon
!kill @user Brutally kill a member from the server! (Note: you are not actually killing the person, meh.)
!hotornot Check how HOT you are
!orcme Find out your Orc name!
!fortune Display your fortune cookie
!lenny Get your daily dose of lenny ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)
!tableflip When Caps Lock is not enough! Release your anger boi!
!yn [your question] I will answer your question with yes or no
!xkcd Gets a random XKCD comic for you
!tflip [your text] Flips the text upside down
!robohash [your text] Convert your text into a robot image!
!yodatalk [your text] Translate to Yodish, you can.
!emojitxt [your text] Translates if possible, all the text into emojis. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ
!punchjoke Random jokes with punchlines
!trump Shows some random dumb tweets that Trump posted
!poke @user Poke.... wait, is this Facebook?
!reverse [your text] Just some ordinary text reverser
!yugioh [card name] Retrieves cool information about Yu-Gi-Oh! cards!
!zen Get some GitHub Zen quotes
!meme Some dank stuff I reckon. Seriously, it displays a random meme image
!pika Get a random Pikachu GIF image
!quote Get a random wise quote that has been said over the years.
!leet [your text] Convert any text to l33t sp3ak.
!rojoke Get a random Romanian joke.
!ascii [your text] Transform your text into yellow ASCII art.

๐ŸŒš Space Commands

Command Description
!apod See NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day and provides you with a Full HD image download link
!nearearth Find out how many near-eart objects are around the earth right now!
!iss Get LIVE location coordinates of the International Space Station
!peopleinspace Find out how many people are in space right now!