Cookie Monsta is a multi-purpose bot with over 154 commands, ready to hype up your server like you have never seen before!
Also features welcome banners, stats banners, soundboard, games, dank memes, colors and much more!
Ever wanted to MLG that sound when you were chatting with friends ( อกยฐ อส อกยฐ) ?
You gain experience while typing on channels! You also gain Cookie Points by playing random games!
YES! You can add emotes, give, take, level up, remove XP, ban, unban, kick, set AFK, mute and unmute anyone from your server!
Don't like the default bot prefix? No problem! You can change the bot prefix for your server!
If you are into this kind of stuff, you can get your daily horoscope in no time!
Everyone can set their stats profile card! There are currently 121 backgrounds to choose!
We all need them. You can choose between Chuck Norris, Yomama, Lenny, Punch Jokes and Memes! Even Garfield live generated comics!
A variety of photo manipulation dank memes, so you can have some fun after your last rage quit game session. ( อ ยฐ อส อกยฐ)
Get some nice fauna into your nerdy server. You derp. Cats, Dogs, Birbs, Lizzy Bois, Ducks, Doges, Koalas and Foxes!
You can head over here and check em' out!
You get this color, he gets this color, everyone gets colors! You have a variety of colors to choose so that you can customize your presence in style!
You can play a variety of games, such as Slots, Roll the dice, Coin flip, Rock-Paper-Scizzors, Shellgame, Go fishing and Fidget Spin!
You can get recently last played game and also get someone's winrate!
Search advanced stats for any Destiny 2 player!
Text to speech, super smart calculator, server info, user avatar, QR and Binary code generators, bot stats and uptime!
Get the latest Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum live price in Euros, Dollars, British Pounds, Yen and BTC USDT currencies!
Search any Twitch.TV or user to see if is live and get some info about the stream!
Get LIVE coordinates of the International Space Station, how many people are on the moon and how many objects are around Earth!
Get today's Bing Spotlight picture and Astronomy Picture of the Day! All in HD with URL provided!
You can see the skin float value with ease! No more browser extensions!
Get randomly generated gifts while chatting to your friends on a text channel!
Get some cool animal facts about Dogs, Cats and Pandas!
Convert your text into binary, emoji, upside down, flip it around like there is no tomorrow and even reverse it!
Get all the details you need, about all the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards ever existed!